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SCP Foundation [MOD]

[h1][u]S.C.P. Foundation MOD[/u][/h1] This mod adds some characters from the SCPF staff, some cosmetics and multiple firearms. List of items included in this mod: [list] [*][url=https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEm_0Cv-bdGNSDiG55QJ0Yw/videos]Doctor Bob[/url] (notice me senpai) [*]Mobile Task Force Personnel [*]Security Personnel [*]HAZMAT Personnel [*]Medical Personnel [*]Researcher [*]Janitor [*]D-Class Personnel [*]G-17B2 [*]G-17B3 [LL] [*]G-17ESG [*]G-17L [*]M4A1 [*]Light duty kevlar vest [*]Heavy duty plate carrier [*]Pelvis Protector [*]LvL3 Helmet [*]Ballistic Glasses (You can customise the color!) [*]Class A PPE Suit (HAZMAT Suit) [*]Utility Belt [*]FFP2 Mask [/list] [h1]Regarding the addition of content:[/h1] I take note of your suggestions. If you think something should be added to the mod, feel free to tell me. I will soon release a list of all the content I plan on adding. Since I was not paid to make this mod, I will [b]NOT[/b] make it my priority. I want to make you happy, but I also want to be happy. [h1]Credits[/h1] [table] [tr] [th]Name[/th] [th]Stuff they did[/th] [/tr] [tr] [td]weirdo[/td] [td][url=https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2194511729&searchtext=functioning+armor] Functioning Armor[/url][/td] [/tr] [/table] I love you guys, have a great day <3