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The Cannibal Snakes

Your tribe had a many rules, but you and your friends had a problem with one of them, no cannablism. When the tribe elders found out about your cannibal preferance you were banished, but your friends left too. To join you and start a new home on a planet of people against you. Your faction will be a Ophidian Tribe. Start with 5 people. Your people will be between 17 and 34 years old. Start with your pets already trained. Player starting characters have a 25% chance to start with malnutrition. Player starting characters have a 100% chance to have trait: Cannibal Non-Player characters have a 75% chance to have trait: Cannibal Start with research: Stonecutting The stat "plant work speed" will be universally multiplied by 115%. The stat "plant harvest yield" will be universally multiplied by 120%. Incident created: -Resource pod crash -Visitor group Start with: -Ophidian meat x210 -Silver x200 -Herbal medicine x24 -Uranium mace -Plasteel gladius x2 -Dinosaur x1 -Wood x400 Map is scattered with: -Ship chunk x6 -Steel x250 -Packaged survival meal x15