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The survivors

ok so the story begins with you your brother and your best freind and your pet slime are being outcasted for discovering the truth about The thinnng (which is based off the movie btw) anyhow your faction will be new stronghold Your faction will be a New stronghold. Start with 3 people. Player starting characters have a 50% chance to start with hangover. Start with research: Get CCAI superuser permission Start with research: Electric cremation Start with research: Craftsman's technology Start with research: Robotic Engineering Start with research: Imperial LasPistol Start with research: Mutagen basics Start with research: Military grade turrets Start with research: Neurotrainer Making Start with research: Basic Imperial Construction Start with research: Incendiary IEDs Start with research: Anti-Logic OmniBot Incident created: -Wanderer join Permanent game condition(s): -Climate cycle: A multi-year climate cycle due to an elliptical orbit. Start with: -Silver x800 -Packaged survival meal x44 -Medicine x30 -Component x30 -Stalker rifle -Nano pistol x2 -Solar generator -Slime x1 -Steel x450 -Wood x300 -Slave x1 Map is scattered with: -Ship chunk x3 -Steel x720 -Packaged survival meal x7