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M-13's Geothermal Generators [A17]

[h1][b]=============== M-13's Geothermal Generators ===============[/b][/h1] This is a mod about better Geothermal Generators. This will provide you with extra Geothermal Generators that can be used in game. These come in sets of 2: 1 with glow and 1 without glow (by requests) The Decision is yours: Will you research and build the lower tier and risk the resource waste that comes with upgrading? Or will you stick it out and research and build the higher tier as to safe those precious resources? Enjoy! General M-13 [b]https://www.twitch.tv/generalm13[/b] [b]Like my mods? Consider Buying me a cup of coffee[/b] [url=https://ko-fi.com/generalm][img]https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/932676970227717956/B46AF8E8B0CA785280C03000DAB1BD182C1DDD51/[/img][/url] [u]Don't forget to Rate/Favourite the mod if you enjoy it! <3[/u] [h1][b]=========================================================[/b][/h1] [b]All Geothermal Generators can be found in the "M-13 Power" Category after they have been researched![/b] [h1][b]Tweaked Geothermal Generator (Green):[/b][/h1] [h1][b]=================[/b][/h1] Output: 4500W Hitpoints: 625 Cost: 500 Steel 10 Components 250 Silver [h1][b]Upgraded Geothermal Generator (Yellow):[/b][/h1] [h1][b]=================[/b][/h1] Output: 5400W Hitpoints: 750 Cost: 600 Steel 12 Components 500 Silver 100 Gold [h1][b]Advanced Geothermal Generator (Orange):[/b][/h1] [h1][b]=================[/b][/h1] Output: 6300W Hitpoints: 875 Cost: 700 Steel 14 Components 750 Silver 200 Gold 250 Uranium [h1][b]Ultimate Geothermal Generator (Red):[/b][/h1] [h1][b]=================[/b][/h1] Output: 7200W Hitpoints: 1000 Cost: 800 Steel 16 Components 1000 Silver 300 Gold 500 Uranium 200 Plasteel [h1][b]=======================[/b][/h1] [h1][b]Note regarding Mod removal:[/b][/h1] [h1][b]=======================[/b][/h1] If at any time you feel like removing this mod from your game: Deconstruct ALL Geothermal Generator (from this mod) from your map first and then proceed to save your game BEFORE removing the mod. The next time you load your save it should give an error that the research for this mod was not found, but won't cause any further issues. Just save your game with the mod removed and you can continue playing! [h1][b]===========[/b][/h1] [h1][b]Please Note:[/b][/h1] [h1][b]===========[/b][/h1] If you do not remove all Geothermal Generator (from this mod) from your map BEFORE removing the mod, your game will NOT load. In this case just resubscribe to this mod, Repeat aforementioned steps above and you should be fine ;)