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Adds four new turrets which are all based on different elemental effects. Adds Flame SMG - mid range, fast firing and causes burn damage. Adds Frost rifle - hand held rifle which deals frost damage slowing the target. Adds Electric sniper rifle - long range rifle which stuns the target. Adds Acid shotgun - short range, slow firing and causes acidburn damage which ignors armor. Adds AcidFrog - has acid saliva and drops an acidsack when butchered. Also adds Tar - Sticky floor which is hard to walk on, useful for slowing down your enimies. Fire Turret Close Range, Burn Damage, Very High Rate of Fire, High exploding chance, Small explotion radius, Medium Steel Cost, High Power Consumption, Medium Hp. Frost Turret Medium Range, Frozen Damage, Medium-High Rate of Fire, Low exploding chance, Small explotion radius, High Steel Cost, Low Power Consumption, High Hp. ^NOW SLOWES ENIMIES Electric Turret Long Range, Electricalburn Damage, Low Rate of Fire, High exploding chance, Large explotion radius, Low Steel Cost, High Power Consumption, Low Hp. ^NOW STUNS ENIMIES Acid Turret - Requires AcidSacks Very Close Range, Acidburn Damage, Extremely High Rate of Fire, Exremely low exploding chance, Small explotion radius, Medium Steel Cost, High Power Consumption, Medium Hp. All new turrets cost 3 components and various amounts of steel. Each turret needs to be researched before it can be built, all research is on a new research tab "ElementalTurrets". Can be added to saves.