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Wilderness Honeymoon

You packed some supplies for the trip and have some general knowledge on how things work. You both are rather versed in trapping and butchering animals you hunt. Luckily, you both got your flu and malaria vaccines before heading out on this trip. Your faction will be a New Tribe. Start with 2 people. Your people will be between 22 and 27 years old. Player starting characters have a 100% chance to start with trait: Beautiful Player starting characters have a 75% chance to start with trait: Careful shooter Start with research: Complex clothing Start with research: Electricity Start with research: Air conditioning Start with research: Medicine production The stat "butchery efficiency" will be universally multiplied by 300%. The stat "trap spring chance" will be universally multiplied by 300%. Incident(s) disabled: -Malaria -Flu Start with: -Silver x250 -Packaged survival meal x30 -Medicine x10 -Pump shotgun -Bolt-action rifle -Elkhide x300 -Elk meat x180 -Gold x30