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Kartel's Rimworld Scenario Pack #5 - Gone Tribe

After the next transfer to other lands, the nomadic tribe finds an ancient broken spaceship. The leader of the tribe clicks on a strange flashing button, and the rescue system is launched. All people with supplies and their animals are covered with capsules, and they are thrown out on an incomprehensible planet. Your faction will be a New Tribe. Start with 5 people. Arrive in drop pods. Player starting characters have a 40% chance to start with trait: Nudist Player starting characters have a 70% chance to start with trait: Psychically dull Player starting characters have a 55% chance to start with trait: Prosthophobe Player starting characters have a 35% chance to start with cryptosleep sickness. Start with research: Pemmican Start with research: Passive cooler Start with research: Stonecutting Start with: -Granite club x2 -Limestone shiv -Pila -Short bow -Wood x288 -Component x12 -Pemmican x250 -Milk x50 -Silver x170 -Cow x1 -Turkey x1 -Lynx x1 -Herbal medicine x25