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Kartel's Rimworld Scenario Pack #3 - Traitors

Being a timid and cowardly warrior, you escaped from the battlefield along with your familiar and fighting varg. In a hurry and panic, you decided to land on a mysterious planet, code-named "RimWorld" You have enough resources for the first time, but for a long time it will not be enough. Remember: your main goal is to return home. Your faction will be a New Arrivals. Start with 2 people. Your people will be between 18 and 25 years old. Arrive in drop pods. Player starting characters have a 85% chance to start with trait: Wimp Player starting characters have a 65% chance to start with trait: Kind Player starting characters have a 75% chance to start with high on go-juice. Start with research: Gun turrets The stat "aiming time" will be universally multiplied by 92%. The stat "shooting accuracy" will be universally multiplied by 114%. The stat "melee dodge chance" will be universally multiplied by 110%. The stat "melee hit chance" will be universally multiplied by 107%. Incident created: -Ship part crash (psychic) Start with: -Warg x1 -Charge rifle -EMP grenades -Packaged survival meal x25 -Plasteel x170 -Component x15 -Silver x300 -Glitterworld medicine x12