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Extended Immunity Drugs

Description: Core game changes: - Reworked food poisoning; Now has two phases(mild and intense) and it is treatable but remains non-lethal. Treating will determinate which phase will be in effect. Additionally it requires built immunity instead of going out on a fixed pattern. The maximum amount of time needed to get rid of it should be equivalent to the vanilla fixed timer. - Reworked gut worms and muscle parasites; They now have two phases(mild and intense) as well and remain non-lethal. Treating will determinate which phase will be in effect. Additionally they dont dissappear after a fixed amount of treating but require built immunity instead. The maximum amount of time needed to get rid of them should be equivalent to 5 treatings(vanilla fixed pattern). - Those changes grant the player new options; You can now work proactively against them through the immunity drugs and to be able to deal with them faster than before with the help of proper facilities(..or other means). Furthermore, since they are not lethal, treating them wouldnt matter so thats where the phases come in, if you ignore them and choose not treat them, the diseases will scale and cause your pawns to suffer more than before. New features: - Two additional immunity drugs; Halimine and Mehnirin. They require to be researched and can be produced at the drug lab. Halimine grants immunity against food poisoning, flu and wound infections while Mehnirin deals with the parasitic diseases such as gut worms and muscle parasites. Potential future changes: - Adjust some values - More drugs and reworks - New diseases - Nothing most likely ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Credits: Crowback Felt/Hal-9000 for the inspiration Mehni for clarification Marnador for the font Sir Satan for steam publishing Direct download links: [url=https://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=35255.0]Ludeon[/url] [url=https://github.com/ChipGeroki/ExtendedImmunityDrugs]Github[/url] License: You are allowed to do whatever you want with this mod's contents. Giving credit would be appreciated.