This is a very-easy-mode, "city builder" style gamemode, with lots of settlers, lots of materials and lots of research. Great for people learning or wanting to experiment with techniques in an environment with limited risk.
Lore and full information is below:
Sensing their inevitable decline would be caused by resource scarcity, a coalition of glitterworlds built massive semi-autonomous "Worldcrafts" and set them loose upon the stars with but one mission: Find resources, send them home.
Born, trained and raised under the careful superivsion of the ship's AI, the best and brightest of the citizens of the worldcraft are put into cryosleep at the peak of their performance, and remotely launched along with ample supplies down to worlds that may provide the resources needed to sustain the glitterworlds back home.
Your faction will be a New Arrivals.
Start with 8 people.
Your people will be between 20 and 35 years old.
Arrive in drop pods.
All characters have a 100% chance to start with trait: Kind
All characters have a 100% chance to start with trait: Fast walker
All characters have a 100% chance to start with trait: Hard worker
All characters have a 100% chance to start with trait: Optimist
All characters have a 100% chance to start with trait: Green thumb
All characters have a 100% chance to start with trait: Iron-willed
All characters have a 75% chance to start with trait: Careful shooter
Start with research: Machining
Start with research: Hydroponics
Start with research: Firefoam
Start with research: Smithing
Start with research: Cryptosleep casket
Start with research: Ground-penetrating scanner
Start with research: Brewing
Start with research: Mortars
Start with research: Drug production
Start with research: Electric cremation
Start with research: Psychite refining
Start with research: Devilstrand
Start with research: Deep drilling
Start with research: Moisture pump
Start with research: Component assembly
Start with research: Powered armor
Start with research: Medicine production
Start with research: Refining
Start with research: Passive cooler
Start with research: Go-juice production
Start with research: Medicine production
Start with research: Ship cryptosleep caskets
Start with research: Shipbuilding basics
Start with research: Cryptosleep casket
Start with research: Ship antimatter propulsion
Start with research: Hospital bed
Start with research: Geothermal power
Start with research: Gun turrets
Start with research: Microelectronics basics
Start with research: Multi-analyzer
Start with research: Colored lights
Start with research: Hydroponics
Start with research: Smithing
Start with research: Carpet making
Start with research: Explosive IEDs
Start with research: Incendiary IEDs
Start with research: Vitals monitor
Start with research: Tube television
Start with research: Ship antimatter reactor
Start with research: Ship computer core
Start with:
-Silver x8000
-Packaged survival meal x1600
-Glitterworld medicine x1000
-Component x20000
-Charge rifle x5
-Assault rifle x5
-Random pet x4
-Steel x3000
-Wood x4000
-Steel x15000
-Cloth x5000
-Gold x20000
-Painstopper x100
-Fine meal x1000
-Labrador retriever x1
-Sandstone blocks x5000
-Uranium x10000
-Plasteel x10000
Map is scattered with:
-Ship chunk x25
-Steel x5000
-Packaged survival meal x500