Your colonists awake in their cryptosleep sarcophagi to the sound of blaring sirens and ripping metal. Luckily, your crew manages to reach the escape pods before the ship is torn apart.
Some time later, they land on this unknown rimworld, cold cold cold
The other colonists from on board the ship will be crash-landing hard with little chance of surviving the impact.
Your faction will be a New Arrivals.
Start with 4 people.
Player starting characters have a 100% chance to start with trait: Survivalist
Incident created:
-Big ship crash [CrashLanding mod]
Start with:
-Silver x800
-Packaged survival meal x340
-Medicine x200
-Component x175
-Bolt-action rifle
-Pistol x2
-Plasteel knife
-Timber wolf x1
-Steel x3000
-Wood x3000
-Thrumbofur parka x4
-Thrumbofur pants x4
-Muffalo wool tuque
-Megasloth wool tuque
-Alpaca wool tuque
-Camelhair tuque
-Thrumbofur button-down shirt x4
Map is scattered with:
-Ship chunk x3
-Steel x720