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Tobe's Realistic Farming [TRF]

First, I'm not english user, so my english is not good. plz understand me. If you want to translate, plz contact me. Tobe's Realistic Farming mod changes the farming system and cooking system! And adds 42 kinds of plant and 40 new food such as tea and bread. (I'll add more and more food. give me some ideas!) Here is more detail description and update : http://totobrothers.blogspot.kr/2017/11/tobes-realistic-farming-trf.html Direct download page : http://totobrothers.blogspot.kr/2017/11/tobes-realistic-farming-trf.html Here is information of plants. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18rRGO-Fs4ZPxZcHRPo0HfvNUh53tsJ0X4qC1oXrdp6c/edit?usp=sharing For cooking system, You can't make food with raw harvest things. You need to process the harvest things. Then you can make food with some effect! Thx for watching this. It is my first mod and beta version. So maybe there are many bugs or unbalanced things. plz feedback that!! PS. I'm so lack for drawing... If anyone who can make texture, plz contact me!!! I used some texture from vegetable garden and forum's resource. Thx for allow it to me! <credit> code : totobrother art : totobrother. translate : Korean : destiny Russian : Undeadcookie French : touchscreen974 By the way, I make animon addon. plz try it! http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1146676089 "Seed pleased" patch http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1150832756 If you want to buy some coffee, https://www.patreon.com/bePatron?c=1303650 <-- here and give me 5 cent !!