Adds a variety of shuttlecraft, which can act as reusable transport pods and caravan members.
Shuttlecraft behave as either buildings or pawns, depending on whether "Hover Mode" is toggled. Without it, they can be launched like vanilla transport pods, although you'll fuel them directly without needing a pod launcher. With Hover Mode enabled, they act like pack animals. Hovering shuttles can be drafted if you'd like to manually reposition them.
Caravans containing a shuttle can launch themselves directly from the world map, as long as the shuttle(s) can carry the weight of all its pawns/items.
All shuttlecraft are completely reusable, but cost quite a bit to construct. They come in three tiers, each of which requires its own research project:
Personal Shuttle: Runs on chemfuel and can carry the same 150kg as a transport pod - albeit at slightly lower fuel efficiency.
Cargo Shuttle: Runs on special uranium fuel pods, manufactured at a machining table. Can carry 500kg. Fairly fuel-efficient.
Heavy Cargo Shuttle: Runs on special uranium fuel pods. Can carry a whopping 2,000kg, but is not particularly fuel-efficient.
====Future Plans====
Shuttlecraft was developed as part of a major expansion to Save Our Ship. When it is released, shuttles will allow you to transport colonists and goods between an orbiting ship and the planet/moon below.
====Technical Details and Known Issues====
This mod requires HugsLib.
Graphics are placeholders for the moment - interested artists are encouraged to contact me.