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Melee Weapons Rebalance B18

[h1] This mod re-balances all the vanilla melee types of weapons - now they are more deadly and realistic, more worthwhile and more valued. [/h1] [b] Mod includes the following changes: The damage of all melee weapons was been increased; The recharge time after the impact - it was also changed; The cost of all melee weapons was increased; The time of creation of weapons on the workbenches was changed in accordance with the above. (Weapons like a knife, shive, club ... cause more damage due to the fact that they now hit faster (cooldown reduced). The damage itself is also increased, but not all melee weapons - some now do less damage, but they are quicker to hit. The price of weapons is increased. The crafting time is changed mainly in the larger side. There was a similar principle changed the log, the horn of the trumpet and the tusk of the elephant.) [/b] This time, the weapons were not as heavily modified as in the A17, as they were already stronger in the A18. [u] Mod will be improved and balanced with time. You can help us reach the ideal by subscribing and writing an advice![/u] [spoiler] Bonus is a rebalance of a log as a weapon, and a rebalance of the thrumbo and elephant horns [/spoiler] Recommended mod: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=824659667 A17 Version - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1094958506 B18; 0.1: Release. 0.1.1: Now the horns flammability less. Changes in the damage and cooldown of the wood.