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Sheep (1.0)

Y'all.....we did it.....five years after I sat huddled in my crappy apartment clinging to the only happy thing in my life, a little sheep mod I made for myself, it's happened.....As of 1.1, I can happily say this mod will be made obsolete. Sheep are now part of the base game. I know I'm playing strings for dramatic RN, but seriously I am so excited to see an idea I had become a real part of my favorite game. I had a lot of dreams back when I made this mod, and seeing it replaced by a real, dev-cycled addition to Rimworld seems like a really great way to start this decade. Rimworld modding opened up a world to me that I didn't realize existed and led me to develop skills that have ended up paying my mortgage and financing even bigger dreams. I had no idea wtf I was doing when I made this mod, not just XML wise, but life wise. Closing the book on this mod feels like a true accomplishment, because it's allowed me to reflect on what I've accomplished since I made it. The reason I'm even writing this out is because If you want it, do it. If you want to make a mod, do it. If you want to write a book, or learn an instrument, or become a lawyer, do it. Don't stop even if the results are shoddy. Because the next time you do it, if you decide you like it enough, it'll be better. And pretty soon (5 years-ish) you'll look back at your cute little attempts from on top of the mountain you built for yourself. Anyway, thanks for reading and subscribing, and I will 100% be making color variations for the 1.1 sheep at some point this spring so STaY TuNEd! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A lil sheep mod for a big ole' RimWorld - updated for A18. ● Shearable ● Milkable ● Slaughter for meat :c ● They have cute little baby sheep ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Updated from A17 - Wool is now less insane in terms of protection from heat/cold. If you prefered the A17 settings please do the following: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\1169263268\Defs\ThingDefs_Items and editing the following tags to 10 (or your liking): <Insulation_Cold> <Insulation_Heat> ------------------------------------------------ To utilize the patch for A Dog Said... *Step 1: Subscribe to LBE's A Dog Said Easy Patcher: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=944381237&searchtext=a+dog+said+easy+patcher *Step 2: Load mods in the following order A Dog Said... LBE's A Dog Said Easy Patcher This mod (and any other animal-adding mods)