There were 10 of us, until we decided to strike. We set explosives at the base of "our" governments local building. We thought it was an effective way to prostest the injustices against our people. Forced slavery, child labor, public executions, and many more. Once humanity reached the stars, the capability for the leaders to commit such atrocitys seemed to be granted. Protest was outlawed, so killing the people enforcing these rules seemed like the only way out. Unfortunately, we were discoved. Only 3 made it out. We still don't know what happened to the other 7. We managed to smuggle ourselves onto a transport, and land on a distant rimworld. Soon, we will strike again. Once we have built our army, we will rise and destory our oppressors.
You are a group of 3 terrorists, attempting to survive on a rimworld.
Start with 3 terrorists, chosen from 10. The seven left behind will die.
Your people will be at most 25 years old.
You will be able to craft bladed weaponry, bedrolls, and IEDs, along with the other starting research.
You have negotiated with a local cell, and they have agreed to send resources every 3 days to aid your rebellion.
You will start with the following materials:
-IED trap x15
-Revolver x2
-Cloth bedroll x3
-Bolt-action rifle
-Steel x300
-Wood x300
-Packaged survival meal x35