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Asteroid clean-up gone wrong [A18]

You work for an asteroid clean-up service for the glitterworlds, making sure their travel paths are nice and smooth. However, after a navagational error, you manage to fly into a highly active asteroid field - that's not a good thing. Pelted by rocks, 2 of you escape from the ship onto a near by planet. Unfortunately your planet is also going to suffer the consequences of your mistake, there is now a constant meteor rain of asteroid pieces, as well a permanent eclipse! Oh, and did I mention that local tribes are pretty unhappy? Because you're getting a raid every 3 days. Well, at least your glitter tech workers, and so what you managed to get from the ship before it crashed is pretty useful, as well as a lot of debris from the ship breaking up. Oh, and you may also find the bionic remains of your navigational officer. Seems his mistake was the last he would make. Good luck! For the best experince try starting on a flat area Your faction will be a New Arrivals. Start with 2 people, chosen from 4. Your people will be between 27 and 40 years old. Arrive in drop pods. Start with research: Smithing Start with research: Long-range mineral scanner Incident created: -Ship chunk drop -Meteorite impact -Enemy raid Permanent game condition(s): -Eclipse: An eclipse is shadowing the surface. It will be dark, even during the daytime. Start with: -Glitterworld medicine x20 -Charge rifle -Steel x154 -Packaged survival meal x95 -Steel x146 -Silver x500 Map is scattered with: -Steel slag chunk x50 -Steel x300 -Component x15 -Plasteel x40 -Bionic leg x2 -Bionic eye -Silver x250