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Tribal Essentials [b18]

[h1][b]B19/1.0 VERSION (by Dracoix) AVAILABLE HERE: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1503813330[/b][/h1] This is an unofficial b18 update of RimRue's "Tribal Essentials" mod. All original credit goes to her! This mod adds new tribal items for those players who want to play a tribal scenario and who don't want to rush into research. It includes joy items, production spots for butchering, brewing, art, tailoring, stonecutting and researching, a smokepit, a stone oven, psychoid tea, cooked eggs, popcorn, and art, apparel, walls and flooring. Basic work benches are now attached to a "Work Benches" research that isn't given to tribal groups at game start, making the "primitive" versions of those benches more useful. [b]NOTE:[/b] If you want a truly tribal game, consider also using my update of Rue's [url=http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1228122583]Tribal Raiders[/url] to add a hostile tribal faction to the game, and my [url=http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1232772426]Faction Control[/url] mod to remove the outlander, pirate and mechanoid factions! - Rainbeau Flambe (dburgdorf) ===== Things Added to the Game: Apparel -- Woven Hats and Cloaks (made from dried grass or pounded bark); Muffalo Headdress (an impressive hat which yields a small Social boost); Tribal Helmet (a wooden tribal helmet that requires "Tribal Warfare" research); Tribal Armor (a tough hide coat with wooden slat armor that requires "Tribal Warfare" research). Furniture -- Double Sleeping Spot (for couples); Storage Box (a place to hide ugly items or to protect perishable items from the elements). Items -- Cooked eggs (since you can't use eggs in pemmican); Crafting Basket (a tribal version of the toolchest, made from hay, which boosts production speed); Large and Small Rugs; Large and Small Totems; Patchwork Leather (a low quality leather patched together from scraps at a crafting spot); Popcorn (gives joy, but not much nutrition); Psychoid Tea (a social drug that can also help fight disease); Smoked meat (preserved meat, which can be eaten "as is" or made into pemmican); Urns and Decorative Pots. Joy Objects -- Three Stones Game (a tribal version of chess); Tribal Lore Fire (a place for tribals to gather, share stories, and gain a small Social skill boost). Production -- Art, Brewing, Butchering, Researching, Stonechipping and Tailoring Spots; Smokepit (a small fire used to make smoked meat); Stone Oven (a primitive oven, better than a campfire for cooking food). Security -- Earthen Mounds (more protection than rock chunks, but not as much as sandbags); Pitfall Trap (a deep pit with sharp spikes that requires "Basic Traps" research). Walls and Floors -- Barn Board Floor (uses less wood to build); Log Walls (like wood walls, but with a log texture); Rough Paving (uses less stone to build); Random Paving (requires "Stonecutting" research). ===== Compatibility: So far as I'm aware, this mod doesn't conflict with any other mods. Adding it to a game in progress should be fine, though you may find yourself having to train a new research or two that you would have started with had the mod already been installed at the beginning of your game. Given how much it adds, though, I wouldn't suggest trying to remove it from a game in progress. ===== Credits: Obviously, credit is due to RimRue, the creator of the original a17 version of the mod! The mod also borrows bits and pieces from 3DGrunge (Tribal Armor Breastplates), Bacon Bits (Pitfall Traps), CuproPanda (Earthen Mounds), ItchyFlea (Log Walls), MasterDihtung (Pottery), Mouf (Psychoid Tea and Patchwork Leather), Tammabanana (Smokepit), Telkir (Stone and Wood Floors) and TrueDestroyer (Double Sleeping Spot). The mod utilizes Pardeike's "Harmony Patch Library." (No additional download is required, as the library is included with the mod.) ===== Special Note: I've attempted to contact RimRue to gain her approval for this update, but have not yet received any response from her. However, as she's logged into the Ludeon forums since my messages were sent, I assume she has read them and is aware of what I've done. ===== License: If you're a modpack maker and want to include "Tribal Essentials" in your pack, or if you're a modder and want to use it as the basis of a derivative mod, please feel free to do so. I ask only that you let me know about it, and be sure to credit both me and RimRue. ===== [h1][i]The Ludeon forums discussion thread for my mods can be found [url=https://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=46165]here[/url]. If you have any (helpful) suggestions for improvement, please let me know! My mods are free, but if you'd like to [url=http://ko-fi.com/rainbeau]buy me a Dr Pepper[/url], I wouldn't complain.[/i][/h1]