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富商 Silver Rich Merchant

增加所有商人携带银与货物量 Increase carry capatity of all goods and silver for all trader. 银堆叠上限改为99999,重量为0 Stacklimit of silver rise to 99999 and mass drop to 0kg 所有原版商队携带9999银,货物3倍,动物2倍(太多会卡) All caravans now carry 9999 silver, double animals and triple other goods 贸易基地拥有19999银,货物3倍 FactionBase now have 19999 silver and triple goods 轨道商人携带99999银,货物4倍 Orbital now have 99999 silver and quadruple goods 商队出现概率2倍,轨道商人出现概率3倍 Double caravans arrival chance and triple Orbital arrival chance 进一步“鶸化”商队,商队现在统一由鶸小的商队头领带领,并有鶸小的商队护卫护送 Caravans are "weaker???" and lead by "faily weak caravan leader", guard with "faily weak caravan guard" 打劫发家致富,贸易穷苦一生! 搏一搏,单车变摩托! 亲们,还在等什么,对着商队开炮吧! One bullet and your colony will become Silver Rich. So end your hesitating and shot for a Brighter Tomorrow! V1.1 调整“鶸化人”强度,现在打劫商队虽然风险很高,但有成功的可能性。 Modified "Fairly week human" so that they are not invincible, rob caravans now have a little chance to success. Modified codetype so that non Chinese user may able to use this mod now. 个人更新版本: 不保证无bug 有个别黄子不干扰正常游戏!