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Tribal Warfare

A day before yesterday your entire tribe was slaughtered before your eyes. Only you, the strongest member of your tribe survived. Now with an ancient ceremonial weapon, you must claim back the land from the thievorous pirate bands who destroyed your people. Goals: Destroy as many pirates as possible. Your entire tribe was slaughtered by them. When they raid, take prisoners or slaughter them, but don't recruit any pirates. Build a complete civilization from one person. Personality traits are added to make him more powerful. All your tribes research tech is gone. You will need to rediscover it and more to destroy the Arrivals who eliminated your friends and family. Notes: The pirates hate tribes. You will be attacked every 15 days on the dot. You start with nothing but a good character and a longsword. Your faction will be a New Tribe. Start with 1 people, chosen from 1. Player starting characters have a 100% chance to start with trait: Iron-willed Player starting characters have a 100% chance to start with trait: Bloodlust Incident created: -Enemy raid Start with: -Golden longsword