Your crew of hardcore paramilitary theives have looted the galaxy's most secure bank. You have made it off with some of the most valuable items in the galaxy. However, the fuzz is right behind you. You are forced to live on an unknown rimworld to avoid a lifetime in prison. Just to be safe, your crew has decided to live without electricity to avoid detection. However, a significant bounty has been placed on your heads, and the local populations will attack again and again. How long will you survive?
Your faction will be a New Arrivals.
Start with 5 people, chosen from 8.
Player starting characters have a 100% chance to start with trait: Careful shooter
Player starting characters have a 100% chance to start with trait: Psychopath
The stat "shooting accuracy" will be universally multiplied by 300%.
Permanent game condition(s):
-Solar flare: A solar flare is hitting the planet. This creates extreme electrical interference and prevents most electrical devices from working.
Incidents: Frequent enemy raids
Start with:
-Silver x2000
-Gold x5000
-Jade grand sculpture x5
-Glitterworld medicine x50
-Charge rifle x2
-Assault rifle x2
-Hyperweave duster x5
-Hyperweave pants x5
-Packaged survival meal x300
-Armor vest x10
-Sniper rifle