The world has been destroyed due to warring nations utilizing anti-proton weaponry, incinerating the entire atmosphere and creating a nuclear winter, blocking the sun's rays from reaching the surface. This has allowed new life to flourish causing disease to run rampant. Some have managed to grow an immunity to the toxic atmosphere of the planet. The planet is locked in an eternal darkness. Can you survive in this harsh new world?
Your faction will be a New Tribe.
Start with 3 people, chosen from 8.
All characters have a 100% chance to start with trait: Hard worker
All characters have a 65% chance to start with toxic buildup.
Incident created:
-Muscle parasites
Permanent game condition(s):
-Climate cycle: A multi-year climate cycle due to an elliptical orbit.
-Eclipse: An eclipse is shadowing the surface. It will be dark, even during the daytime.
-Toxic fallout: A plume of toxic dust from some distant source is slowly settling over this entire region of the planet. Anyone not under a roof will be slowly poisoned.
-Flashstorm: Extreme amounts of lightning are hitting a small region.
-Volcanic winter: The atmosphere is choked with volcanic particles, significantly reducing the amount of light which reaches the surface. Temperatures will be colder and plants will grow slower.