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Ice Sheet Enemy Waves

You have lived on a very rich planet for all your life. Upon liquidating your government company you've decided to buy a planet. Upon arrival you realize the planet is filled with squaters and many animals you don't like. Instead of respect them you terraform the planet from orbit creating a change in climate cycle knowing you would be fine in your ship. You didn't expect the poor serfs to have rocket technology and you were sent crashing down before you could change the climate cycle back. Now you have to live alongside these commoners that don't understand land ownership. Your faction will be a New Arrivals. Start with 1 people, chosen from 1. Start with research: Hydroponics Incident created: -Manhunter pack -Enemy raid Permanent game condition(s): -Climate cycle: A multi-year climate cycle due to an elliptical orbit. Start with: -Packaged survival meal x45 -Medicine x30 -Component x40 -Bolt-action rifle -Steel x450 -Slate blocks x200