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Doberman (B18)

Known to their owners for their kind nature and goofy personalities, they are fiercely protective of their masters and make excellent escorts in dangerous areas. [h1]Features:[/h1] Beautiful (adds beauty points to surrounding area) Advanced Train-ability Powerful Attack and Defense Bite has chance to stun [h1]Additional Features:[/h1] [b]To use with A Dog Said...[/b] *Step 1: [url=http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=944381237&searchtext=a+dog+said+easy+patcher]Subscribe to LBE's A Dog Said Easy Patcher[/url] *Step 2: Load mods in the following order A Dog Said... LBE's A Dog Said Easy Patcher Spidercamp animal mods [b]Hunt for Me appears to have several bugs in B18 so it is not recommended at this time. [/b]