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GeneticRim Dinosauria Patch [DEPRECATED]

IMPORTANT: Genetic Rim is now deprecated. All the mod's content, plus that found on the old "patches" is now part of Vanilla Genetics Expanded, https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2801160906 This will be left here for those who want to play on older versions. [url=www.patreon.com/sargbjornson][img]https://i.imgur.com/rLaa7So.png[/img][/url] UPDATED 11/08/20 [i]Life... uh... finds a way[/i] [h1]Features[/h1] - Adds eight hybrids between vanilla creatures and dinosaurs from the Dinosauria mod! - Adds a new building, the Archeo-genepod, to mix genes from dinosaurs and create your hybrids. [h1]Wiki:[/h1] [url=https://rimworld-bestiary.fandom.com/wiki/RimWorld_Bestiary_Wiki]There is a cool wiki here![/url] [h1]Load Order[/h1] - As with all patch mods, be sure to call it after Dinosauria mod and GeneticRim mod, or else you'll get some errors. [h1]Compatibility[/h1] Compatible with A Dog Said Should be savegame compatible and not break anything. Should! [h1]Older versions of the mod[/h1] B18 version: [url=https://github.com/juanosarg/GeneticRimDinosauriaPatch/releases/tag/v1.1]Get it here[/url] B19 version: [url=https://github.com/juanosarg/GeneticRimDinosauriaPatch/releases/tag/v2.02]Get it here[/url] [h1]Credit[/h1] Credit goes to Spincrus for all his awesome work on Rimworld. [h1]Changelog[/h1] v3.3: Updated to RW 1.2 (11/08/20) v3.2: Updated for 1.1 (09/03/20) v3.101: Changed all hybrids to use GeneticAnimal instead of ExoticAnimal so they don't appear on modded merchants. Tweaked featherwool and spinobear wool (23/08/19) v3.1: New building graphic and optional legless graphics (28/01/19) v3.0: Updated to RimWorld 1.0 (18/10/18) v2.02: Added A Dog Said patch (16/09/18) v2.0: B19 update (31/08/18) v1.1 Bugfixes. Full changelist on GitHub (03/03/18) v1.0: Release (04/01/18)

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