GeneticRim Dinosauria Patch [DEPRECATED]
IMPORTANT: Genetic Rim is now deprecated. All the mod's content, plus that found on the old "patches" is now part of Vanilla Genetics Expanded,
This will be left here for those who want to play on older versions.
UPDATED 11/08/20
[i]Life... uh... finds a way[/i]
- Adds eight hybrids between vanilla creatures and dinosaurs from the Dinosauria mod!
- Adds a new building, the Archeo-genepod, to mix genes from dinosaurs and create your hybrids.
[url=]There is a cool wiki here![/url]
[h1]Load Order[/h1]
- As with all patch mods, be sure to call it after Dinosauria mod and GeneticRim mod, or else you'll get some errors.
Compatible with A Dog Said
Should be savegame compatible and not break anything. Should!
[h1]Older versions of the mod[/h1]
B18 version: [url=]Get it here[/url]
B19 version: [url=]Get it here[/url]
Credit goes to Spincrus for all his awesome work on Rimworld.
v3.3: Updated to RW 1.2 (11/08/20)
v3.2: Updated for 1.1 (09/03/20)
v3.101: Changed all hybrids to use GeneticAnimal instead of ExoticAnimal so they don't appear on modded merchants. Tweaked featherwool and spinobear wool (23/08/19)
v3.1: New building graphic and optional legless graphics (28/01/19)
v3.0: Updated to RimWorld 1.0 (18/10/18)
v2.02: Added A Dog Said patch (16/09/18)
v2.0: B19 update (31/08/18)
v1.1 Bugfixes. Full changelist on GitHub (03/03/18)
v1.0: Release (04/01/18)