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Craftable Glitter Tech Weapons and Apparels

Adds new weapon and apparel recipes to Robotic Assembler. Works with No Surgery Version. Apparels: HC-1 Shield Orion Crops Defense Shield Nano Suit Nano Suit Helmet Reactive Suit Fibre Skin Suit Speed Skin Suit Orion Combat Vest Orion Combat Helmet Weapons: Orion Crops Defense Pistol Orion Crops Defense Rifle Orion Crops Rocket Launcher EMRG-1 MRG-5 Pistol MRG-5 Rifle APB-1 Pistol APB-1 Rifle APB-1 Projector Report bug and issue in the comment. Is it Too Cheap or Too expensive? let me know down below. Feel free to suggest new recipe cost to make it more balance. Original mods idea : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1107133215 All credit goes to the creater of Glitter Tech mod.

Зависимости мода

Логотип мода

Glitter Tech Classic
