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Hauling Bot

Adds a hauling bot which can be crafted. "Base Robots" MUST be installed and come first in the load order. Base Robots provides a main "Robots" tab where you can see all active robots, rename them, and assign them to an area. Feel free to make your own custom robots using Base Robots. I will be writing a tutorial, but until then you can use this mod as an example. The only things needed are textures and XML defs - the code is already taken care of. Special thanks to Hal_9000 and Mehni for feedback on the art choices! The bots would've looked a lot less interesting without their input. Known Incompatibilities: These mods have some issues with Misc. Core and Misc. Robots, so for now use one or the other. Source: https://github.com/bkjohnson/HaulingRobots - ORIGINAL INFO ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Again thank you to NotFood for updating this for us. Here is a working bot for Base Robots (B18). If you use the xml as an example and follow the tutorial on BaseRobots github you can create your own robot! I will attempt to update the Cleaning Bot next week and release it. There are other bots out there such as the mining bot and construction bot. I have attempted to communicate with those mod authors but they don't respond. If all else fails I will upload them myself at some future time. This mod is being uploaded as is! Sorry for disconstruct bug. I think I fixed it now. Okay Maybe now it is fixed. Make sure to recheck your dismantle mechanoids recipes.