[XND] Aim Incendiary Anywhere
Direct download from [url=https://github.com/XeoNovaDan/AimIncendiaryAnywhere/releases/latest][b]GitHub[/b][/url].
Not necessary if using Combat Extended since CE also patches the incendiary launcher. No other known incompatibilities.
There shouldn't be any issues with adding this to or removing this from a savegame either.
Ever got tired of having to micromanage with crafting spots, animal sleeping spots or the like just to cremate a pile of corpses, cause a wildfire or roast those nasty sleeping insects? This mod's for you!
All that Aim Incendiary Anywhere does is allow you to manually aim the incendiary launcher, just like what can be done with molotov cocktails.
Enjoy this little quality of life improvement!
Marnador for their RimWorld-style font.
As is standard with my mods: you may include this mod in a mod pack, and you may derive from this, but please inform me if you're doing so either through Steam or Ludeon Forums, and give credit where credit's due.