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Mr. President

Total Nuclear War has broken out on Earth between the United States and North Korea. North Korea fired its first warheads on Las Angeles, New York and Miami Florida. A fourth warhead is directly on-route to Washington D.C. The United States fires their warheads on Pyongyang, Hamhung and Nampo in North Korea. Allies on either side being firing on each other almost immediately. The President and a few lucky secret service members are evacuated from earth and launched into space to go to the Moon and lead military defense operations from there. In transit a stray meteoroid hits the navigation system on the Ship and sends it off course into the unknown. Your new world is hostile and the sooner you get home the better. Your faction will be a New Arrivals. Start with 3 people, chosen from 8. Your people will be between 24 and 54 years old. Arrive in drop pods. Player starting characters have a 75% chance to start with trait: Iron-willed Player starting characters have a 75% chance to start with trait: Psychically dull Player starting characters have a 75% chance to start with trait: Jogger Player starting characters have a 50% chance to start with trait: Bloodlust Start with research: Gun turrets The stat "aiming time" will be universally multiplied by 130%. The stat "melee dodge chance" will be universally multiplied by 150%. Permanent game condition(s): -Volcanic winter: The atmosphere is choked with volcanic particles, significantly reducing the amount of light which reaches the surface. Temperatures will be colder and plants will grow slower. -Climate cycle: A multi-year climate cycle due to an elliptical orbit. Start with: -Silver x800 -Wood x500 -Medicine x30 -Component x40 -Assault rifle x3 -Autopistol -Packaged survival meal x60 -Ship chunk x7 -Steel x800