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hell on destrction

People called you crazy for leaving your glitterworld home, but you always yearned to explore the stars - outside the neurosimulator. Now you're at the end of your long journey in cryptosleep, landing on an unknown rimworld to see what it's like. Note: Since your starting character will lack some skills, this is an especially difficult scenario in the early game. Your faction will be a New Arrivals. Start with 1 people, chosen from 8. Start with research: Gun turrets Incident created: -Gut worms -Plague Permanent game condition(s): -Toxic fallout: A plume of toxic dust from some distant source is slowly settling over this entire region of the planet. Anyone not under a roof will be slowly poisoned. -Volcanic winter: The atmosphere is choked with volcanic particles, significantly reducing the amount of light which reaches the surface. Temperatures will be colder and plants will grow slower. -Eclipse: An eclipse is shadowing the surface. It will be dark, even during the daytime. Start with: -Beer x20000 -Cloth bedroll x30 -Packaged survival meal x40 -Glitterworld medicine x30 -Component x30 -Charge rifle -Random pet x1 -Steel x450 -Wood x300