The government of your home glitterworld has chosen 5 brave people from their nation, for an opportunity of a lifetime: land on a nearby rimworld, conquer the entire planet, and the five of you control it underneath the main government branch. A friendly AI will appear on the planet as well, should you not be up for this task, to be able to take you back home, empty handed. Should you fail this mission, you either die or get back to boring lives in a neverending meaningless cycle. So which choice would you make?
(Can be played on any storyteller, I personally use phoebe chillax for this scenario.)
(There aren't really many restrictions to what mods you can use or what you need to use, just play it as you would normally use mods in a colony.)
Your faction will be a New Arrivals.
Start with 5 people, chosen from 5.
Arrive in drop pods.
All characters have a 25% chance to start with cryptosleep sickness.
Start with:
-Silver x800
-Packaged survival meal x50
-Glitterworld medicine x40
-Chemfuel x30
-Component x30
-Revolver x2
-Assault rifle x2
-Plasteel knife
-Random pet x2
-Steel x600
-Wood x500
Map is scattered with:
-Ship chunk x5
-Steel x720
-Packaged survival meal x10