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Active Humans!

6/20/21 fix patch [ minor fixes for 1.9 As always thanks for all the awards, kind comments, and funny profile comments! ] 4/2/21 micro update (don't get excited) [ -auto activator no longer persists between levels I guess this was causing the script to persist even after unsubscribing? prolly should've fixed this a while ago. If you want to disable the script restart or change the level. This is mostly just me checking if everything still works as intended, and despite multiple game updates and the steaming pile of spaghetti that is this mod, everything still seems mostly somewhat functional! hurrah for good modding apis! Thanks for all the awards and subscribes and nice comments, I never expected it to blow up as it did and the mod mostly got neglected because I'd never had this many eyes on a project of mine so I shut down because it was new and scary. Three cheers for anxiety! I was going to add a new feature or something, but I got distracted playing with the features it already has and was content enough with just the fact that it still functioned to not think of anything new. Maybe I'll return again in a couple of months and do so, but who am I kidding? :^) I'm glad people have gotten a bit of fun out of something I made for myself and was pushed to publish, this game is pretty neat. Stay cool, spread love, and don't forget to remember. quaq ] [b]THIS MOD CONSISTS ENTIRELY OF SPAGHETTI CODE AND THIS GAME WAS NOT MADE FOR WALKY TALKY CRAZY WACKY SMACKY PEOPLE DOING THE THINGS THAT THEY DO AND SUCH, SO THE MOD IS GLITCHY AS ALL HELL. BONES WILL BREAK, PEOPLE WILL FLOAT, IM A BAD PROGRAMMER, ETC ETC WORDS WORDS BLAH BLAH[/b] [b] I DO NOT PLAN TO MAKE ACTIVE ANDROIDS [/b] It would be an insane amount of tweaking values that I really don't want to go through. This script was made for humans. Currently, this mod revolves almost entirely around the new addition to the Entities tab, a modification on the standard Human. This Active Human is considerably more self-preserving, and will run from threats to the best of its ability. If you want to Activate human reskins, use the script. [b] FAQ[/b] Q: What does the Active Human do? A: It runs away. Stop asking. Q: Why it no do nothing? A: Make sure you're spawning the active human and not the regular, boring human Q:I don't see the mod or its spawnables A:Restart steam and your game, make sure you're online in steam. Other mods may also be breaking the mod system or adding compatibility issues, try disabling them. [list] [b]UPDATED 7/12/20 0.69 > 1.0[/b] [*] Active Human now split into two entities, experimental features such as mouse look will now stay on the experimental branch until they can be toggled properly on the stable branch [*] New addition! A script in the entities tab to quick spawn entities with 'h' [*] Active Human will now fear non-human entities [*] Active Human will no longer fear its own held gun (Active Humans with held guns will still be very glitchy) [*] lots of other bugfixing [/list] [list] [b]UPDATED 7/19/20 1.0 > 2.0[/b] [*] Lots of animations, fear issues, and lag fixed [*] NEW CONTROLLABLE HUMAN! A,W,D to move F to do.. stuff [*] NEW COMBAT! Right click active humans and scroll to the bottom the see the options [*] Quick entity spawn script can now also automatically convert all humans and HUMAN RESKINS to active humans! [*] Experimental human and old script hidden, search for them if you want them for some reason [/list] Known Bugs:) -workshop creations break things -Random teleportation and clipping while flipping human direction -Neck/head weirdness -Random bone breaking :) [url=https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=99338319&token=1kUaB_eu][img]https://i.imgur.com/debIOOZ.png[/img][/url]