A single xml files that add the ability to move much more buildings using core game inbuilt patching.
If the mod isn't loaded the core vanilla defaults values are applied.
[h1]what it effectively does:[/h1]
it use the core game inbuild method for patching files, adding two lines to some xml object "thingdef" definition when the mod is loaded with a save:
/minifiedDef = MinifiedFurniture wich add the ability to move a building
/statbases/mass = some value
the mass values it use so far depend either the object size in tiles or it's dangerousness manipulating, the mass impact at wich speed your pawn gonna move the buildings
(yup mooving trap is dangerous and slow)
For now some of thoose mass value are approximative & might require some few more polishment
(As is, it's mostly a self tuto to get into xml for some other stuff id' like to do and some value are just rough "on feelings" alike, without much side calc table in depth polishment)
"Total material real mass" & effective size building related, moving some of thoose building may appear a bit unrealistic in itself, ...
but well , ...
gameplaywise you'll save/it remove the building material loss and deconstruct reconstruct step, wich in certain case could be a bit sad, but, "accelerated gameplaywise & overall" it insert smoothly while your colony evolve and grow.
[h1]list of core patched building:[/h1]
Orbital trade Beacon
Comms Console
Ground Penetrating Scanner
Long Range Mineral Scanner
Power Conduit
Power Switch
Wood Fired Generator
Chemfuel Generator
Solar Generator
Wind Turbine
All core Work Bench & Research Desk
[i](<= modded building that use "@parentname=benchbase" are also patched mass applied vary depending their refuelability or not)[/i]
Deep Drill
Electric Crematorium
Hydroponics Bassin
Nutrient Paste Dispenser
Dead Fall trap
[i](modded trap that use the "@thingclass=Building_TrapRearmable" are patched as well)[/i]
Ied Trap
[i](modded IED trap that use the "@parentname=TrapIEDBase" are patched as well)[/i]
Passive Cooler
do not use this mod with:
[url=http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=726372052&searchtext=miniaturisation] Miniaturisation [/url] from hwfanatic
[url= https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1495810154] Moveable Generator [/url] from grampybones
while it's prolly compatible it remain redoundant and both thoose two are included with this xml file
May also apply to etc. of that kind
[h1]Side Note:[/h1]
a few bulding throw an error real time within the game when moving them, but seem harmless once you reinstall them.
It might has to do with some annex definition in some other xml files than the thingdef one and dynamic calculation and/or the fact they do not necessecarly have some market value as a movable object.
(prolly something like that and prolly minor and mostly neglectable, i may add some market value here and there later and trader spawn definition but not prior for now)
noticeably and as exemple, generators may throw a temporary heat related error while you move them, and trap may throw as well a temporary triggering related error while you move them and others thingies similar of that kind
[i](grid static vs moveable sub loop and defs, yup basically loop applied in game to static object as per def can't be applied to moving object, it fix itself as soon as you repop them, it may also be better to not keep them unpopep too long if you don't want your log to be spammed with the related error messages)[/i]
[u][b]NB/NA:[/b][/u] i may look into CryptosleepCasket and Sarcophagus later as they seem to require some more patching than only the two lines in the "ThingDef" file prolly due to either to the pawn slot, or dynamic pawn related UI text, and there's some other stuff i'd like to do prior to that.
steamfolder: / ... /1295511091