Gryphon Forces Expansion 50+ Units! [RELEASE VERSION]
Gryphon Forces is a unit addition expansion to the game that is finished and finally released. I will be making more mods don't worry!
This mod contains 40+ Individual units
This mod was made as a response to the lack of decent infantry mods, (In my opinion) Fantasy and futuristic tech.
***Tiered Up***
-Drake - Heavier version of the Komodo, Packing more armour and a more powerful flamethrower
-Wraith - Fast paced heavier tank, Lighter than the Revenant, This tank packs a cannon and 2 machine guns
-Immortal - A 4 Legged battle walker, Lightly shielded and relatively cheap.
-MEK Commander - A heavier, larger MEK unit, Carrying a more powerful gun and shield, An upgraded all-rounder
-MCV - A larger, Heavier Construction vehicle, Capable of building all Tier 2 Structures and harvesters.
-Magic and summoning!
-Apprentice - Light fighting unit with the ability to build the occult circle, Attacking air and land, Required to build more magic units!
-Daemonologist - Medium damage, Has a shield and the ability to call forth Daemons from hell
-Necromancer - Necrotic regeneration and powerful slow attack, Can raised the dead in the form of ghouls
-Druid - Non combative healer, using nature's gift to fly around the map and healing nearby units
-ArchMage - Powerful magic user with a long range long recharge AOE attack, Magical Regeneration
-Daemon - Quick close range unit, Dealing high damage and low health
-Ghoul - Slow close range unit, Regenerating fast with high health, But lacks power and speed.
***Unit Additions***
-Infantry: Can all be constructed at the command center
-Jet Trooper
-Airbourne Engineer
-Future Soldier
***MEK Units***
-MEK Trooper - Heavily armoured, Armed and Shielded, This unit is a walking tank
-MEK Lancer - Heavily armoured sniper unit, But due to power requirements it lacks a shield
-MEK Raider - Heavily armoured and equipped with a Photon Gatler, Lacking a heavy shield to power the weapon.
-MEK Commander - Larger and more heavily armed and armoured MEK unit
-Cyborg Center - Main construction building for Cyborg Units
-BattleBorg - Mainline unit of the cyborg forces
-MechanoBorg - Repair and combat unit of the cyborgs
-LancerBorg - Advanced long range sniper unit
-TwinBorg - Twin turreted cyborgs, Highly armoured and equipped with 2 facially implanted weapons
-Laboratory - Expensive credit generation buildng and factory
-Researcher - Builds the powerful "Scibuster" and generates small income whilst alive
-Lab Jeep - A cheap Anti everything jeep made from the Lab
-SciBuster - Super Powerful Turret capable of firing extreme ranges and emitting a large AOE
***Vehicles***: Can be constructed at the regular land factory
-Specter: Medium armoured hover tank, Boasting a heavy attack and high manuverability.
-Phantom: Medium armoured anti air hover tank. Firing graviton particles to force aircraft out of the sky
-Gryphon APC: Mascot vehicle, Carrying capacity of 5 units and sporting a light attack.
-Revenant: Super heavy hover tank, Able to fabricate infantry and deal heavy damage whilst being surviveable.
***Experimentals***: Constructed at the Experimental factory
-Mothership: Super heavy vehicle, Super expensive, Super powerful, Super fabricator
***Turrets***: Can only be built by Gryphon fabrication units
-Repair Turret
-Gatling Muon
-Muon Turret
-Flame Turret