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Actual Cannibal Shia LaBeouf

You're walking in the woods, but this time you are Shia LaBeouf. How will this world see the story of the actual cannibal unfold? Inspired by Rob Cantors based on true facts story: Shia Labeouf IMPORTANT: I highly recommend to use the Prepare Carefully Mod for this, so you can make it as accurate as possible, but you can totally use it without that mod. Your faction will be a New Arrivals. Start with 1 people, chosen from 1. Player starting characters have a 100% chance to start with trait: Cannibal Player starting characters have a 100% chance to start with trait: Psychopath Start with research: Complex clothing Start with research: Smithing Start with: -Silver x2000 -Gold x30 -Packaged survival meal x40 -Glitterworld medicine x30 -Component x30 -Revolver -Steel x450 -Wood x300 -Plaststeel Axe