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Domian Conflict Pack (1.1 update)

This mod brings what I like to call the Domian Conflict into Rimworld. This mod introduces two new factions: 1. The Domian Alliance, who are friendly and add a new possible ally to the Rim who are equipped with high tech weaponry 2. The Domian Renegades, who are hostile to everyone and utilize the Domian technology in order to make life a living hell In addition, this mod includes a bunch of new weapons based around laser technology, which have high accuracy and decent range, but painfully slow fire rates. It also includes new armor and clothing used by the factions. Both the weapons and the armor can be researched and crafted, and come in both Alliance and Renegade colors. It also introduces a brand new NPC, the Combat Bot, which fights alongside both factions as a formidable foe for anyone on the recieving end of its judgement. Tread carefully, colonists. For every powerful ally, there is an equally powerful enemy.