Two close friends were sitting in court awaiting their sure to be life sentences when an opportunity arose. The fire emergency escape pods were left unlocked during the morning's safety inspection. Eyes gleaming they sprinted towards the pods and ejected off the space station and flew to a nearby planet. Laughing at the idiocy of the human race they together decided that to prove they were better, humans would now be their food.
Your faction will be a New Arrivals.
Start with 2 people.
Your people will be between 26 and 31 years old.
Player starting characters have a 100% chance to start with trait: Psychopath
Player starting characters have a 100% chance to start with trait: Cannibal
Cannot hunt.
Cannot sow plants on the ground.
Incident created:
-Refugee pod crash
Start with:
-Silver x1000
-Gold x30
-Pemmican x600
-Glitterworld medicine x25
-Component x50
-Pistol x2
-Rhinoceros x1
-Steel x450
-Wood x300