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The official latest release version of ULX admin mod (the same you'd get from our website). Please see our website at ulyssesmod.net for information and discussion. Only servers need to use this, not your individual joining players. YOU MUST ALSO SUBSCRIBE TO ULIB FOR THIS TO WORK -- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=557962238 For the most bleeding edge up to date versions of ULX and ULib, please download and use our github versions: ULib: https://github.com/TeamUlysses/ulib ULX: https://github.com/TeamUlysses/ulx Please do not comment here -- use our forums (you can even login using Steam!) or join our Discord Discord: https://discord.gg/gR4Uye6 Forums: https://forums.ulyssesmod.net/

Зависимости мода

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