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[b]Seeds for your immersion pleasure.[/b] [h1]Features[/h1] Adds gameplay surrounding planting crops. For most of the basic crops, you now need seeds. Easy to modify. Comes with the plant processing bench to extract seeds from your favorite fruits. [h1]Writing your own[/h1] [code] <SeedsPlease.SeedDef ParentName="SeedBase"> <defName>SeedPotato</defName> <sources> <li>PlantPotato</li> </sources> </SeedsPlease.SeedDef>[/code] That's all it's needed for potato plants to start requiring and dropping seeds. You can customize it further with the seed properties: harvest factor, seed quantity and seed chances, and harvest product. The defaults make a vanilla experience. I've included all the core plants that yield a harvest. [h1]Addons[/h1] These are included in the base mod, they will be enabled automatically if you have the mods installed. - Alpha Biomes - Anima Gear - Biomes! Islands - Combat Extended - Crusty Peanuts RimCuisine 2 - Cultured Meat - Cupros Drinks Soda - EP Soybeans - Forsakens - [FSF] Growable Ambrosia - [FSF] Growable Mushrooms - Growable Neutroamine - Lanius race - Materials+ - Medical IV's - More Hydroponic Crops (Continued) - Nature is Pretty Sweet - Pawnmorpher - Realistic Planets - Fan Update - ReGrowth: Boreal Forest Expansion - ReGrowth: Cold Bog Expansion - ReGrowth: Desert Expansion - ReGrowth: Temperate Forest Expansion - ReGrowth: Tundra Expansion - ReGrowth: Wastelands - Remote Tech - Survivalist Additions - T Expanded Crops - Vanilla Brewing Expanded - Vanilla Brewing Expanded - Coffees and Teas - Vanilla Cooking Expanded - Vanilla Cooking Expanded - Sushi - Vanilla Factions Expanded - Insectoids - Vanilla Factions Expanded - Medieval - Vanilla Factions Expanded - Settlers - Vanilla Plants Expanded - VGP Garden Drinks - VGP Garden Fabrics - VGP Garden Gourmet - VGP Garden Medicine - VGP Garden Resources - VGP More Veggies - VGP Three Sisters - VGP Vegetable Garden - VGP Xtra Flowers Really recommended mod to go alongside SeedsPlease: - [url=https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1446523594]Dubs Mint Menus[/url] [h1]Thanks to[/h1] - FlowerChild, original mod - Vendan, A11 update - Skyarkhangel, A12 update - Dismar, A13 update