You were on a transport ship making routine runs to outposts on the Rim, when suddenly you are awakened by your cryptosleep pod blaring an alarm. You crash, woozy, and realize you are alone.
You have nothing.
And you can't help but wonder: How did you get here? It must have been an accident...right?
Can you survive?
(Wanderer disabled to make this slightly more difficult. You're just a single guy, alone in the world. People can still come across you and ask you to help them in exchange for joinging, but won't randomly hitch up with you. To balance, recruit prisoner has a higher chance of success.)
Your faction will be a New Arrivals.
Start with 1 people.
Arrive in drop pods.
Player starting characters have a 100% chance to start with trait: Sanguine
Player starting characters have a 100% chance to start with cryptosleep sickness.
The stat "recruit prisoner chance" will be universally multiplied by 150%.
Incident(s) disabled:
-Wanderer join
Map is scattered with:
-Ship chunk x6
EDIT: Added a 100% chance of the trait Sanguine for the initial pawn. This is due to constant mental breaks in the beginning of the game. Over half of test-players reported pawn mental breaks which led to the death of the pawn before recruits could be gotten.