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You knew it would happen eventually. People in this kind of work are often mistrusting. the fact is you and your crew were very rich. Through others suffering you were able to rise above. Everyone had heard your name. Burnt into their minds, they feared it as they feared you. Even still, this line of work is not for everyone. You and your most trusted had been the victim of a terrible mutany. Luckily for you, you had already planed for exactly this moment, when they cracked. You had already prepared a drop pod with all the supplies needed for this moment and as so you and your fellow "vicims" hurried to that drop pod and you're off into the unknown. Your faction will be a New Arrivals. Start with 4 people. Player starting characters have a 100% chance to start with trait: Psychopath Incident created: -Orbital trader arrival Start with: -Packaged survival meal x40 -Medicine x30 -Component x30 -Charge rifle -Plasteel knife -Steel x450 -Wood x300 Map is scattered with: -Steel x720 -Packaged survival meal x5