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Lonely Planet

You're alone. You have nothing. Anyone else you meet will be dying. You'll be alone for a long time. All events where you might meet new people are disabled, and just in case, all non-player characters will suffer health conditions that kill them rapidly. Yes, this can be abused - if you visit another settlement everyone will die immediately and you can take their stuff. I couldn't figure out how to disable other factions in a scenario and didn't want to make a mod for it. I figure people who want to simulate a lonely world won't be interested in visiting other factions, or using exploits to make the game easier... If you can think of more scenarios that should be disabled, let me know. You'll have to disable mod-added ones yourself (e.g. Crashlanding mod adds ship crash events). Your faction will be a New Arrivals. Start with 1 people. Non-player characters have a 100% chance to start with trait: Wimp Non-player characters have a 100% chance to start with toxic buildup. Non-player characters have a 100% chance to start with malnutrition. Non-player characters have a 100% chance to have their food set between 0% and 0%. Incident(s) disabled: -Ambush -Caravan meeting -Payment demand -Wanderer join -Refugee pod crash -Ransom demand -Caravan request -Orbital trader arrival -Trader caravan arrival -Traveler group -Friendly raid -Enemy raid -Bandit camp opportunity -Item stash opportunity -Journey offer -Chased refugee -Visitor group Map is scattered with: -Ship chunk x3