You control a group of canibals; Ostrasized from their supersitious tribe for supposedly causing an eclipse and forced into the wilderness, they have stumbled upon an ancient holy crash site. This site was apparently contested even before you decided to settle here, so attacks will be very common.
Your faction will be a New Tribe.
Start with 4 people.
Starting characters have a 100% chance to start with trait: Cannibal
Other characters have a 64% chance to start with trait: Cannibal
All characters have a 86% chance to start with trait: Psychopath
Player starting characters have a 42% chance to start with food poisoning.
Player starting characters have a 66% chance to start with malnutrition.
Start with research: Brewing, Stonecutting, Drug production, Basic prosthetics, Electricity, Tribal Essentials, Basic Traps
The stat "recruit prisoner chance" will be universally multiplied by 74%.
The stat "meat amount" will be universally multiplied by 164%.
Medical tend speed 162%, quality 72%
Mental Break Threshold 87%
Melee Cooldown 64%
Incident created:
-Enemy raid
-Chased refugee
-Gut worms
Incident(s) disabled:
-Caravan meeting
-Farm animals wander in
-Wanderer join
-Orbital trader arrival
-Friendly raid
-Traveler group
-Trader caravan arrival
-Visitor group
-Refugee pod crash
-Journey offer
-Caravan request
Can never build:
-Guest bed
-Guest double bed
-Guest royal bed
-Guest sleeping spot
-Guest hospital bed
Start with:
-Random pet x2
-Human meat x144
-Dromedary meat x68
-Limestone blocks x784
-Human leather x92
-Sandbags x61
-Steel slag chunk x80
-Kibble x40
-Beer x21
-Simple meal x8
-Steel knife x2
-Shortbow x2
Map is scattered with:
-Slate wall x56
-Marble wall x42
-Ship chunk x18
-Sandstone blocks x184
-Sandstone wall x599
-Limestone wall x183
-Sandbags x90
-Human meat x70