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Six drone workers awaken from ancient cryptosleep sarcophagi. There is a cache of advanced and glimmertech equipment from the decayed remnants of the great ancient civilization the group was a part of prior to going dormant, but being captured worker drones the group does not have the knowledge behind the technology researched. The society had been heavily cybernetic and the group had been in cryptosleep awaiting procedures for bionic implants when their world experienced catastrophe. The society was also heavily reliant on biotech enhancements, so the group has a luciferum dependency and luciferum is abundantly present in the scattered remnants. The colonists of other colonies have a history of having to deal with other ancient drone awakening incidents, so are likely to have detected the group waking up and will be wary. Assimilation of the planet will require force and imprisonment, but knowledge of the assimilation process eases that route. Your faction will be a New Arrivals. Start with 6 people. Your people will be between 25 and 35 years old. Player starting characters have a 100% chance to start with trait: Prosthophile Player starting characters have a 100% chance to start with trait: Industrious Player starting characters have a 100% chance to start with trait: Fast walker Player starting characters have a 100% chance to start with cryptosleep sickness. Player starting characters have a 100% chance to start with luciferium need. Player starting characters have a 100% chance to start with luciferium. The stat "recruit prisoner chance" will be universally multiplied by 500%. Incident(s) disabled: -Wanderer join -Chased refugee -Self-tame Start with: -Nutrient paste dispenser -Nutrient paste meal x600 -Glitterworld medicine x300 -Component x30 -Triple rocket launcher -Doomsday rocket launcher -Power claw x6 -Steel x450 -Wood x300 -Power armor x6 -Power armor helmet x6 -Psychic shock lance x2 -Electric stove -Plasteel electric tailor bench -Megascreen television -Component assembly bench -Tool cabinet -Hydroponics basin -Machining table -Ground-penetrating scanner -Solar generator -Battery -Chainlink fence x5 -Cryptosleep casket x6 -Joywire x6 -Comms console -Plasteel hospital bed x10 -Uranium table (long) -Synthread x200 -Multi-analyzer -Hopper -Electric smithy -Electric smelter -Plasteel hi-tech research bench -Charge rifle Map is scattered with: -Ship chunk x5 -Steel x720 -Ancient cryptosleep casket x6 -Security barrier x12 -Bionic arm x6 -Bionic eye x12 -Bionic leg x12 -Luciferium x1000 -Personal shield x3 -Reinforced glassworks -Reinforced Glass x20 -Vitals monitor -Psychic animal pulser -Psychic soothe pulser -Uranium grand sculpture x3 -Plasteel improvised turret -Neurotrainer x6 ( Borg Necron Cyber collective theme )