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Farmers of zilon.

The 6 of you were chosen as the best in farming to now lead a global effort in producing new food to be shipped back to your home world. but while in transit to the rimworld your ship was attacked by pirates sending you collapsing into the planet with no way to get back home. Your faction will be a New Arrivals. Start with 6 people. Your people will be at most 38 years old. Player starting characters have a 100% chance to start with trait: Hard worker Player starting characters have a 100% chance to start with trait: Green thumb Start with research: Drug production Start with: -Silver x1000 -Packaged survival meal x60 -Medicine x50 -Component x40 -Survival rifle x4 -Pistol x2 -Cow x6 -Steel x800 -Wood x2000 -Chicken x9 -Pig x5 Map is scattered with: -Ship chunk x8 -Steel x1000 -Packaged survival meal x20