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Narrative for Hugs

You have landed on a new planet by yourself and need to try to make a living with your animals. Your faction will be a New Tribe. Start with 1 people. Arrive in drop pods. Player starting characters have a 100% chance to start with trait: Green thumb All characters have a 25% chance to start with trait: Sanguine All characters have a 70% chance to start with trait: Iron-willed Start with research: Agriculture I Start with research: Agriculture II Start with research: Agriculture III Start with research: Resource Plants Start with research: Drug production Start with research: Hydroponics Start with research: Weapon Assembly Start with research: Pistols Start with research: Shotguns Start with research: Submachine Guns Start with research: Rifles Start with research: Sniper Rifles Start with research: Heavy Weapons Start with research: Military grade turrets Start with research: Shredder turrets Start with research: Blast turrets Start with research: Vulcan cannon Start with research: Gun turrets Start with research: Tube television Start with research: Hospital bed Start with research: Machining Start with research: Medicine production Incident(s) disabled: -Eclipse -Solar flare -Psychic drone -Heat wave -Short circuit -Crop blight Start with: -Cow x2 -Pig x2 -Chicken x2 -Random pet x1 -Survival rifle -Silver x800 -Wood x1000 -Hay x2000 -Component x30 -Medicine x20 -Packaged survival meal x100 Map is scattered with: -Hay x750 -Steel x1000 -Ship chunk x5