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The Newbie

--Simulation Begin-- Welcome newbie to the newbie simulation. This is an easier version (and faster) of what you will face in the new coming rimworld. Be prepared as it is not all easy, but it sure is easier than the real thing. Your faction will be a New Tribe. Start with 1 people. Characters and creatures explode on death (bomb, radius 1). All characters have a 100% chance to start with trait: Hard worker The stat "max hit points" will be universally multiplied by 175%. The stat "melee damage" will be universally multiplied by 197%. The stat "global learning factor" will be universally multiplied by 175%. The stat "research speed" will be universally multiplied by 150%. The stat "global work speed" will be universally multiplied by 200%. The stat "immunity gain speed" will be universally multiplied by 180%. The stat "healing speed" will be universally multiplied by 120%. The stat "move speed" will be universally multiplied by 200%. The stat "surgery success chance" will be universally multiplied by 126%. The stat "global learning factor" will be universally multiplied by 200%. The stat "plant work speed" will be universally multiplied by 190%. The stat "carrying capacity" will be universally multiplied by 208%. Incident created: -Ship chunk drop Incident(s) disabled: -Journey offer Permanent map condition(s): -Psychic soothe: A distant, powerful AI is emitting waves of psychic force that are calming people and stabilizing their minds. Start with: -Steel x100 -Glitterworld medicine x5 -Simple meal x15 -Wood x500 -Random pet x2 -Survival rifle -Chicken egg (fert.) x15