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After party

You come back after the sickest party ever to find yourself lost, on another planet. "Bro what did we do last night?" One party goer asks the other. "I rember a ship..." The other replies. You must find a way off this planet and back home with as many other party surviers as you can find. Your faction will be a New Arrivals. Start with 4 people. Your people will be at most 120 years old. Player starting characters have a 50% chance to start with trait: Chemical fascination Player starting characters have a 20% chance to start with trait: Lazy Player starting characters have a 100% chance to start with high on wake-up. Incident created: -Mass animal insanity Start with: -Beer x100 -Yayo x15 -Flake x10 -Packaged survival meal x45 -Medicine x30 -Boomalope x2 -Assault rifle x2 -Sniper rifle -Wooden gladius x18 -Granite bed x4 Map is scattered with: -Wood x300 -Steel x350