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The Walking Dead

Your previous camp has been taken by the dead. You have to build a new base, but you know you will never be safe from the dead nor the living... Your faction will be a New Arrivals. Start with 8 people. Player starting characters have a 80% chance to start with trait: Bloodlust Player starting characters have a 68% chance to start with trait: Hard worker Player starting characters have a 50% chance to start with trait: Depressive Player starting characters have a 50% chance to start with trait: Iron-willed Incident(s) disabled: -Psychic drone Start with: -Sniper rifle x2 -Survival rifle x2 -Pistol x2 -Pump shotgun -Plasteel longsword -Steel x600 -Wood x1000 -Medicine x30 -Packaged survival meal x65 -Component x60