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Admiral's Adventure

With the Glitterworld ever expanding its boundaries, new adventurers must be sent out to allocate more resources. The Admiral sends some of his best officers to explore a new discovery, called the Rimworld. Your faction will be a New Arrivals. Start with 8 people. Your people will be between 21 and 50 years old. Arrive in drop pods. All characters have a 29% chance to start with trait: Hard worker Player starting characters have a 85% chance to start with trait: Careful shooter Player starting characters have a 35% chance to start with trait: Iron-willed Player starting characters have a 60% chance to start with go-juice addiction. Start with research: Hospital bed Start with: -Charge rifle x2 -Husky x2 -Armor vest x8 -Assault rifle x2 -Battery x20 -Glitterworld medicine x100 -Gold x50 -Heavy SMG x2 -Kevlar helmet x8 -Machine pistol x2 -Packaged survival meal x100 -Wood x500 -Granite blocks x500